International 100% Renewable Energy Conference



A Regional Green Development Model: “Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources and İncreasing Energy Efficiency in the GAP Region” Project



Renewable energy sources are significant for the solution of the energy supply problem. The Southeastern Anatolia Region (GAP Region) has considerable resources of renewable energy. Based on the potential and advantages GAP Region, GAP Regional Development Administration is running a Project named “”Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources and İncreasing Energy Efficiency in the GAP Region “. In this proceeding, the activities and results of the project will be shared.



Born in 1983. Graduated form Pamukkale University with BSc degree in Electircal and Electronics  Engineering-2005. He has exprience in fields of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Resource Efficiency and Electrical Power Systems. He is working at GAP Regional Development Administration since 2010. He is responsible for “Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources and İncreasing Energy Efficiency in the GAP Region” and “Integrated Resource Efficiency in Agriculture and Agro-based Industries in the Southeastern Anatolia Region” projects.