International 100% Renewable Energy Conference



A User-Friendly Residential Energy Simulation Tool



Synchronized with the recent improvements in computer and internet based data collection and processing technologies; the governments and private energy suppliers have been looking for alternative pathways to encompass more precise calculation based projections and decisions while considering the investments on low or zero carbon and renewable energy solutions. Therefore, decision-making support tools, e.g. data mining and machine learning software stand out among various options. Since these actors have the ability and infrastructure to gather the required data to process, residents-the demand side players in the sector have almost no chance of benefiting their energy consumption data while making their decisions on energy efficiency in their residences.

This paper aims to design user-friendly simulation software to let a resident or a building manager to build own reference energy system by defining the energy inputs and outputs within easy steps. The software has been designed to apply scenarios on the reference energy system created by the user, such as replacing the obsolete electrical water heater with a more efficient solar water heating system; regarding to the factors including statistical weather and sun light data in the region and installation/decommissioning costs of respective technologies. In addition to the scenario mode, the software is considered to have the ability to make assumptions for the future energy consumption and develop fundamental recommendations for the resident to improve their residence energy efficiency.



Salih Korhan ZORLU – Born in İstanbul/Turkiye in 1979. Graduated form Turkish Naval Academy with BSc degree in Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering-2001. After working on board for 13 years currently studying in MSc Programme at the Barbaros Naval Science and Engineering Institute of the National Defense University, focusing the energy system analysis and modelling.