International 100% Renewable Energy Conference


Technical Chair, World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)


Technical Chair, World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)

Energy Transition In India


India a country of 1.2 billion  people and likely to surpass China as the largest country by 2031. India has embarked on a truly remarkable path of Energy transition coupled to growth & development.

The country has one of the most successful and pragmatic approaches to Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Bio Energy.

In recent times bulk procurement of LED lamps enabled the country to bring down the cost of energy efficient lighting significantly. Its program on energy labelling has resulted in promotion of energy efficient devices in the market.

On the RE front, the auctions conducted in recent times resulted in the cost of Renewable Electricity plummeting to the lowest levels in the country. This has enhanced the acceptance of RE in the overall generation mix.

The country is expected to reach its target of 175 GW by 2022 comprising of 60 GW of wind energy and 100Gw of solar.



Dr. Jami Hossain has more than 30 years of experience in working with RE.

A mechanical engineer, he has been associated with wind energy since the setting up of the very first wind farms in India as well as Asia in 1986.

He is the elected vice president of WWEA and also occupies the Technical Chair of the association.

He remains involved with industry, academia, policy, and investors