International 100% Renewable Energy Conference


Süleyman Demirel University


Süleyman Demirel University

A Metaheuristic Approach for TR33 Region Energy Supply Security Optimization



Energy sector uses decision support systems and optimization tools since 1970s but it is only the last ten years open source tools could be implemented  for daily life energy generation problems. Even though products like MARKAL and TIMES are used by high budget organizations and universities today, many freelance analysts and experts has made a transition to open source tools like “Open Source Energy Modelling System” (OSEMOSYS), Global Energy System Model (GENESYSMOD) etc. While these analysts mostly uses operations research analytical methods and solvers, academic researches towards alternative ways to find optimum results is a hot topic since 2010.  This paper describes an implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization and OSEMOSYS for Afyonkarahisar-Uşak-Manisa-Kütahya (TR33 Region) within a time span of 2016-2031.Scenarios in which natural gas and lignite  power plant investments are blocked are examined in this study. The environmental, technical and financial outputs of the given scenarios are evaluated comparatively in the results section. PSO is found to be a good alternative for small sized problems while OSEMOSYS is currently a powerful tool for low budget projects which require high accuracy.



Utku Köker – born in Sinop, Turkey in 1978. Graduated from 9 Eylul University, BSc in Industrial Engineering, 2000, İzmir Turkey; 9 Eylül University, Msc in Industrial Engineering, respectively; Anadolu University, BSc in International Relations, 2015, Eskişehir Turkey, still studying as a PhD candidate in Süleyman Demirel University, in Industrial Engineering.

He is working in Provincial Disaster and Emergency Agency in Uşak as an industrial engineer since 2010. He is currently studying on his PhD thesis titled “Regional Energy Modelling and Optimization of Alternative Solution Approaches”