International 100% Renewable Energy Conference


Energy Engineer, İZENERJİ A.Ş.


Energy Engineer, İZENERJİ A.Ş.

Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings and ISO 50001 Energy Management System



In the fight against climate change, the efficient use of energy as well as the production of electricity from renewable energy sources is considered as an issue that needs attention. With increasing energy costs, energy saving practices have begun to be implemented, especially in public institutions. At this point, the Regulation on Increasing Efficiency in the Use of Energy Resources and Energy published by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources defines the duties and obligations of public institutions regarding energy efficiency. Particularly for public sector buildings with a total construction area of at least ten thousand square meters or a total annual energy consumption of two hundred and fifty TEP and above, it has introduced obligations such as energy audit, appointment of an energy manager and installation of ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

Another legal document is the “Saving Target and Implementation Guide in Public Buildings” published by the Presidency on November 3. With this guide, energy saving, which was previously given as 15%, was increased to 30%, and it was stated that those who could not achieve this target by 2030 would be considered unsuccessful and a reasoned report would be requested.

Similarly, a climate neutral target has been set for the city of Izmir by 2030, depending on the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, which is carried out under the coordination of Izenerji Inc. To achieve these goals, it is essential to disseminate energy efficiency practices throughout the city. In addition, the issue of energy efficiency is also addressed in the SECAP action plans prepared by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.

Considering both the legal regulations and the presidential vision, ISO 50001 Energy Management System becomes very important for the city of Izmir. The standard has been prepared to ensure that organizations can create the necessary systems and processes to continuously improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption. While providing guidance to institutions in managing energy, it enables them to be competitive and manage energy-related risks and opportunities more systematically and efficiently.



After completing Ege University Chemical Engineering Department, Dr. Şefika Çağla Gündoğan started her master’s degree at the Izmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) Energy Engineering Department. While she was working on thermal energy storage and conversion systems, she started working as a research assistant at the same university. After completing her master’s degree, she continued her doctoral studies as a research assistant at IZTECH Chemical Engineering Department. She completed her doctoral studies in 2023. In 2021, she left his position as a research assistant and started working at Izenerji INC. with the title of Energy Engineer. The company carries out consultancy services to Izmir Metropolitan Municipality units and companies regarding ISO 50001 Energy Management System and ISO 14064-1 Corporate Carbon Footprint Calculation and Reporting standards. She also carries out the Green Transformation Program, which aims to increase energy efficiency in residences and combat energy poverty.