International 100% Renewable Energy Conference


Asset Management and Sustainability Leader, Enerjisa Üretim


Asset Management and Sustainability Leader, Enerjisa Üretim




Dr. Eröz is the Asset Management and Sustainability Leader of Enerjisa Üretim since 2020.   He joined the company in 2011 and took on various roles in large-scale power plant investment projects.  During his tenure at Enerjisa Üretim, he led the planning and launch of the Technical Risk Management, Dam & Process Safety, Physical Asset Management and Environment-Social-Governance programs of the organization.   He worked as a Researcher studying towards his Ph.D. at Georgia Institute of Technology and later as a consulting engineer at Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc. of San Francisco in the U.S.A. between 2003 – 2011.    He is a member of TÜSİAD Climate Change Working Group.