International 100% Renewable Energy Conference







Fossil fuels are caused releasing green house gases and this procedure sets in motion changing  affects of positive feedback systems .Positive feedback systems are caused to achieve thresholds of climate change and  ascending curved  line is approaching to 2 Celcius which is affirmed as   irrevocable line  by scientists.

Many countries in the planet ,  fossil fuel industries are sued and the number of lawsuits won are increasing in contrast with past. However, climate change is not  a regional problem , it is a  global problem. National governments  are not willing to solve  climate change problem and  national jurisdictions are being inadequate to solve climate change problem. Due to  exponential population growth and  increasing poverty in the planet,  national governments are legislating  economic growth policies which are fed by fossil fuels instead of renewable energy  . This vicious  cycle is feeding climate change.  Short term expectations of nations and  unable politicians to solve climate change  have an cause and affect relation .   On the  other hand , regional decisions of national courts  aimed to solve  a global problem are not adequate , holistic and homogeneous .

Complexity of climate change  positive  feedback systems  is a big  problem to be understood.  Majority of humanity , politicians and judges  have  a difficulty about   comprehending  how little time we have to achieve irrevocable line  2 Celcius and they are shifting to solve climate change problem.

Releasing green house gases by  fossil fuel industry  is being  caused to climate change proceed which might  be ended by not only massive death   billions of  people in the planet  but also destruction of capitalism and   collapsing  civilisation in any other time.  A cause and affect relation between climate change and fossil fuels  needs to be evaluated as ” to commit climate crime -ecocide crime against humanity “.

        “The International Environmental Court ” as ” (ICC )  International Criminal Court ”  which will judge  environmental -climate crimes -ecosides ,  must be  established immediately and  must be in action immediately.  Otherwise humanity has limited time to breath on the planet and this limited time completely depends on coincidences.



İsmail Hakkı Atal was born in İstanbul Turkey in 1970 . He graduated in Istanbul University Law School in 1995 .He received masters degree in European Community Law -Istanbul University Social Sciences Institute in 2002 .  He started to work as an independent lawyer in 1996 and  registered in  Adana Bar Association .  He has started to represent fishermen  of  Iskenderun Gulf  in some environmental cases against coal fired power plant companies  and BTC company since 2005

He  has started to represent East Mediterranean Environmental  Non Governmental Organisations since 2007 as a volunteer lawyer .   Most of the cases are about  to cancel coal fired power plant projects, nuclear fired power plant projects  and administratitive regulatory processes .

He has been a  member of Adana Bar Association Environmental Law Commission since 2008 and Union of Turkish Bar Associations Environmental Law Commission since 2011 .