International 100% Renewable Energy Conference


Kocaeli University Industrial Engineering Department Umuttepe/ İzmit


Kocaeli University Industrial Engineering Department Umuttepe/ İzmit

Benefits of Renewable Energy and Analysis of Solar Power Plants in Turkey


Fossil-based energy sources of our world are rapidly running out. Majority of the developed countries are all in huge effort to find an alternative and endless solution for this problem. It is ineluctable to lean renewable energy sources to meet the energy demand which is increasing by the growing population and urbanization of the World. It is known that electric production is so expensive and difficult by Solar Power Plants (SPP). This study has been done for proving against that. By guiding investors to this area, production of clean and renewable electrical energy will increase.

Biographical Sketch

Bülent ÖZDEMİR is a undergrad in industrial engineering at the University of Kocaeli. He graduated in the electrical department from the University of Marmara in 1995. Currently he is serves submarine electrical systems teacher at the Submarine Training Center in the Golcuk Naval Base.