International 100% Renewable Energy Conference


World Bioenergy Association President


World Bioenergy Association President

The Paris Agreement and the Future Role of Bioenergy


The climate conference in Paris (COP 21) created a framework for the climate policy of the next decades with new ambitious targets. To reach these targets a growing contribution of Bioenergy is of specific importance, because bioenergy is the most important renewable energy source and has the potential to more than double its contribution by 2035! Technologies and potential for a further development are available. A brief overview about the most important technologies and the structure of the future supply streams of biomass – biomass from agriculture, forestry and waste – will be presented.


Biographical Sketch

Heinz Kopetz, Austria, President of the World Bioenergy Association 2012-2016. In the year 2013 he also served as chairman of  REN Alliance, a network of the global industry associations of renewable technologies such as wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and bioenergy.