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Doktora Öğrencisi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi
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Doktora Öğrencisi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi

Wind Power and Hydro Storage System Integration



The installed wind power capacity worldwide is increasing by approximately 30% per year. Due to the stochastic nature of wind, the electrical energy generated by wind turbines is highly irregular. This irregularity of wind energy negatively affects both the energy quality and the planning of the power systems. The uncertain nature of wind power plants in power generation can be regulated by using fast and efficient distributable sources such as natural gas turbines or hydro generators. However, using dispersible resources in a short time to correct the variability of wind power can increase the cost of large-scale wind energy integration. To fix this, the incorporation of a large-scale hydro energy storage system in wind farm production can be used to increase the predictability of wind power, reduce the need for tracking loads, and regulate hydro or fossil fuel reserve generation. Energy Storage Systems(ESS) control the wind power plant output and allow greater penetration of wind power into the system. Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage (PHES) systems stand out as the most used EES technology today. With more effective control and coordination of energy storage systems, predictability of wind farm outputs can be increased and integration costs associated with reserve requirements can be reduced.



Uğur Yücel 1993 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi Elektrik Öğretmenliği bölümünden mezun oldu. 1994 yılında Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı bünyesinde Elektrik Öğretmeni olarak göreve başladı. 2001 yılında Kocaeli Üniversitesi Hereke Meslek Yüksekokulu Mekatronik Programında Öğretim Görevlisi olarak çalışmaya başladı. 2019 yılında Kocaeli Üniversitesi Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği Anabilimdalı’nda Yüksek Lisans Eğitimini tamamladı. Şu anda Kocaeli Üniversitesi Hereke Meslek Yüksekokulu Mekatronik Program Koordinatörü ve Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği Anabilimdalı’nda doktora öğrencisidir.