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Professor Department of Engineering Dalhousie University, Faculty of Agriculture Truro-Bible Hill, Nova Scotia, CANADA
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Professor Department of Engineering Dalhousie University, Faculty of Agriculture Truro-Bible Hill, Nova Scotia, CANADA

Buluş, Inovasyon ve Yayma



Yeni bir teknolojinin gelistirilme ve tanitilma sureci, bulus, inovasyon ve yayma olmak uzere uc asamadan olusmaktadir. Bilimsel ya da teknolojik yeni bir urun ya da surecin ilk gelistirilme asamasini bulus asamasi olusturmaktadir. Bu yeni urun ya da surecin ticarilesebilmesi durumunda ise, ikinci asamaya yani inovasyon asamasina girilmektedir. Inovasyon yasam dongusunun ucuncu asamasini ise yayma asamasi olusturmaktadir. Bu asama, inovasyonun yaygin bir sekilde kullanilabilmesi icin, degisik iletisim mekanizmalari kullanilarak, bireyler, gruplar, yerel ya da daha genis capli toplumlara yayildigi asamadir. Bulus, inovasyon ve yayma surecine olabilecek bireysel ya da toplumsal tepkiler kendini kullanima alma, uyum saglama ve direnc gosterme biciminde gosterebilmektedir. Her ne kadar yenilikci olursa olsun, pazar firsati yakalayamayan bir urun ya da surecin herhangi bir ticari degeri soz konusu degildir. Bu konusma, inovasyon ve ticarilestirme etkinliklerinin gunumuzde karsilastigi zorluklar ve olanaklari kunu alirken, arastirma-gelistirme asamasindan ticarilestirme asamasina kadar olan surec icin cesitli guncel ornekler sunmaktadir.


Biographical Scetch

İlhami Yıldız is a controlled environment systems engineer, and has expertise in energy, environment and sustainability issues, such as bioreactors, environmental biotechnology, microalgae-based biofuels and bioproducts using waste streams, complex systems modeling, air- and ground-source heat pumps, combined heat and power generation, flue gas recovery and greenhouse gas mitigation, hydronic heating and hot water storage systems, and energy and water conservation. He has designed and built a number of environmentally friendly energy systems transferring extensive research findings to commercial operations in Canada, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, and the United States.


Overview: Professor – Engineering, Dalhousie University; Associate Professor – BioResource & Agricultural Engineering, Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo, California; Assistant Professor – Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Windsor; Ph.D. in Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (Ohio State); M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Ohio State); M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology (Ohio State); B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering (University of Ankara). He has been honoured with the Grand Challenge Award by the U.S. Government (2008); Outstanding Faculty Award at Cal Poly (2008); Presidential Letter of Appreciation at Cal Poly (2008); and Gold Medal Performance Award by the University of Windsor (2004).