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Yıldız Technical University
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Yıldız Technical University

Investigation of Electric Vehicle Projection in Turkey in Terms of Power and Energy Management



The climate crisis, in other words, global warming, stands before us as a result of the technological needs that we have developed for years and that we use more and more every day to make our lives easier. The Paris Agreement, which was negotiated by 196 countries at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2015 and signed in 2016, includes common measures to be taken to reduce climate change. According to this; Industry-induced air temperature increase is limited to 1.5 °C. In this study; Internal combustion engine vehicles, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles are examined with examples in terms of performance and energy consumption. A case was determined for each fuel model, analysis was made using the According to TCO analysis; The 5-year ownership cost of the electric Renault Zoe vehicle is 343,656.54 TL, the 5-year ownership cost of the hybrid Fiat 500 vehicle is 408,477.96 TL, and the 5-year ownership cost of the diesel Fiat Egea vehicle is 561,859.64 TL. Although the purchasing cost of electric vehicles is high today, it is seen in the analysis that they are more advantageous in terms of cost in the long run with increasing fossil fuel costs. In addition, as electric vehicles become more widespread and production increases, the initial purchase cost will decrease. When analyzed in terms of energy consumption, it has been calculated that the electric Zoe vehicle provides the least energy consumption with 17.2 kWh/100 km. If we interpret the 20-year projection, when cost advantages are added to environmental advantages, it is seen that electric vehicles will quickly replace fossil fuel vehicles. It is also possible to say that in the next 20 years, in addition to electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, in which H2 can be used as fuel, will take their place in traffic.



Liseyi memleketim Bolu’da tamamladım. İstanbul Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi’nde Makine Mühendisliği okudum ve aynı zamanda part-time işlerde çalıştım. YTÜ İletişim Koordinatörlüğü Birimi’nde asistan öğrenci olarak çalışırken, birçok farklı organizasyonu yönetme, üniversitemi tanıtmak için fuarlara katılma ve lise öğrencilerine üniversite tercihleri konusunda rehberlik etme deneyimim oldu. Rüzgar Enerjisi Kulübü’nde yaptığımız rüzgar enerjisi ile çalışan araba projesi, yenilenebilir enerjiye ve arabalara olan ilgimi fark etmemi sağladı. Ford Otosan ile otomotiv sektörüne adım attım ve işin mutfağı olan üretimden başladım. 4 yıl boyunca sacdan EOL proseslerine kadar arabanın üretimini öğrendim. Son olarak hafif ticari elektrikli araç projesinde Performans ve Yakıt Ekonomisi Mühendisi olarak çalışmaya başladım. Ayrıca yakıt pili ve H2 yanma konularında da çalışmalara devam edilmektedir. Amacım, sürdürülebilir bir dünya için sıfır emisyon hedefiyle yenilenebilir sistemler ve araç teknolojilerini bir araya getirerek çevreye faydalı çalışmalarda bulunmaktır.